承岡創立於民國78年9月,係政府核准甲級電氣及自來水管承裝業.儀器工程業,在台灣儀電工程界已有超過30年資歷,所有員工均有服務儀電界暨相關工程的豐富經驗,經全體員工努力同心經營下,榮獲得各方肯定及獎勵。但本公司並不因此而自滿,進而更能在各界業主厚愛提攜之下以及本著虛心踏實的經營理念邁力向前。至今已略顯規模,目前本公司擁有龐大堅強的施工團隊及完整的機具設備和千坪倉儲等..並建立員工進修課程及證照制度, 秉持客戶至上、品質第一、工安優先的理念,於民國九十八年因業務需求並成立承溥工程,與日.韓及世界各大國際性公司密切配合,共同合作參與及完成國家重大建設工程,承岡期望各界秉持過去關愛之初衷 促使本公司能繼續成長茁壯,未來更有機會為大家奉獻一份棉薄心力。謹此致十二萬分之謝意。

Cherng Kang was established in September,1989 and approved by government as one of the first rate companies of setting water pipe and water apparatus. Cherng Kang have good reputation in the industry and all the engineers in the company are fully trained and qualified with excellent onsite practical experience, we also have full range of equipment and large storage to meet the most complicated project requirement.
We are confident with being wellknown in the industry and at the same time Cherng Kang is more modest about all the comment and stably run this business better and better.
In 2009, due to business requirement and Cherng Pu engineering company is launched and have some international cooperation project with Korean and Japanese companies. We will keep the business up and looking forward any opportunity to work with you company.



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  1. 自來水管及電氣工程承裝業務

  2. 冷氣.冷凍空調工程.給水衛生工程和消防工程承裝業

  3. 自動控制系統工業儀器.安裝維護等業務


  1. Setting water Pipe and electrical engineering work.

  2. Air condition, refrigerate air condition,water supplyhygiene and fire control.

  3. Automatic control system apparatus setting and servicing.






承岡有限公司 高雄市永安區永華路1巷2-6號 電話:(07)691-5566(代表號) 傳真:(07)691-0196 email:e0932.ckc@msa.hinet.net

承溥工程有限公司 高雄市左營區大中二路775號 13F email:south.ckc@msa.hinet.net